Friday, September 28

Lakeview Sesh #25

Topics touched on include; how to cure a pothead, U's trip to Tapalpa, UFC/NBA talk, deodorant story, beer/wine vs liquor, and U's parents find his stash!

MP3 File

Lakeview Sesh #24

Topics include; U's childhood friend is too religious, genius kids that can remember a lot, possible treatment for SID, UFC 151 Jones, Dana White, David Stern NBA on year in college rule racist?, relationship book, U picking up a girl at cold stone at 15 with peer pressure, and it was B's 23rd birthday!

MP3 File

Lakeview Sesh #23

Topics include; B eating an edible, Dwight Howard and Lakers, getting real/mature/growing up, chiropractors vs physicians, U has a torn meniscus, B has subluxation in L-5/sacrum so injury talk and much much more!

MP3 File